Friday Mar 02, 2018
#17B: Our thoughts on the Deciem controversy, Amy Schumer has a wedding video... and other important news this week in sosh med.
On the B-side of this week's episode, we did a simultaneous live recording on @jdalfeen's Instagram! We talk about the recent drama surrounding beauty brand @deciem's founder (read this @quartzy article HERE if you have no idea what we're talking about), and discuss whether it's ever detrimental as a brand to be *too* transparent. Plus, @amyschumer shared her wedding video on Instagram and we're all crying at our desks over her sweet vows.
We also play our usual games...but LIVE! Instagram Roulette, Saved by the 'Gram, and Do You Follow?!
>> Here's a list of the people and brands we mention in this episode:
>> Got a question for the pod? DM @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver, or email doyoufollowpodcast@gmail.com and we'll answer your social media marketing question on a future episode!
>> Subscribe to our NEW @lovestoriestv podcast, Since You Asked... A Podcast on Your Wedding Questions!