Friday Apr 20, 2018
#21A: How do I create a scalable social strategy for a new service that’s only in one location?
This week on the A-side we dig into local marketing tactics and tackle a question from a listener who's asking how to grow social reach for a service-based brand that's currently only in New York City. Plus, in light of #POPSUGARgate (if you have no idea what we're talking about, read this), we do a mini deep dive into rewardStyle, one of the top affiliate marketing platforms for influencers.
>> Do you follow everyone we mentioned in this episode?:
@venzedit @liketoknow.it @popsugar
>> Got a question for us? Email doyoufollowpodcast@gmail.com or DM @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver and we'll answer your question on a future episode.
>> Subscribe & listen to our *other* podcast on weddings, Since You Asked...!