Friday Apr 27, 2018
#22B: How much Insta celebs get paid, best practices from Instagram HQ execs... and other important news this week in sosh med.
On the B-side, we're sharing everything @jdalfeen learned from a recent workshop at Instagram HQ for publishers (you'll want to listen to these insider tips: like why bespoke hashtags are only going to become more important for engagement and follower growth).
Plus, we talk about how much @bellathorne (and other Insta celebs) get paid for Instagram #sponcon—and what it means for brands.
We play our usual games (like Saved By the 'Gram and Do You Follow?), and we fangirl over our longtime colleague and friend @vnesschelle on her Baltimore wedding to @airconway!
>> Got a social media question for us? Email doyoufollowpodcast@gmail.com or DM @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver.
>> Subscribe & listen to our other podcast on weddings, Since You Asked...!