Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
#35: Instagram likes are disappearing! What does that mean for my business? Plus, Taylor Juarez of Ladybird Studios shares sales and marketing tactics...
We're back from a long winter's nap with a deep dive into the YouTube scandal that went mainstream earlier this spring — oh yeah, we're talking about the BFF breakup over gummy vitamins between Tati Westbrook aka @glamlifeguru and @jamescharles!
We also get into the recent news that public Instagram likes will be — gasp! — disappearing, and what it means for your business. Plus, we sit down with Taylor Juarez of Ladybird Studios and tackled sales strategies and tactics *every* small business owner needs to hear.
>> Do you follow the accounts we talk about in this episode?:
>> Have a social media marketing question? Email doyoufollowpodcast@gmail.com or DM @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver and we'll answer it on a future episode.
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