Friday Nov 08, 2019
#40: How do I effectively manage my Instagram DM inbox?
We have a GREAT phone-a-friend question this week from a digital director at a marketing agency that connects brands and influencers. Our caller wants to know: how do I effectively organize and manage Instagram DMs for my team of 20 people who are sending and receiving hundreds of DMs on a daily basis from influencers? We share some ideas for making the DM inbox a little less chaotic...
Plus, we're riffing on all of these @renttherunway subscription copycats that are popping up from brands like @vince and @bloomingdales.
>> Do you follow everyone we talk about on this episode?:
@kimkardashian @mariahcarey @dakotajohnson @stylecollective @savvybing @sixvegansisters @jenniferaniston @cheesebythenumbers @medtronicdiabetes @thereellove @durangrurang @starterpacks_only @heatherkmcmahan
>> Want us to audit your Instagram? Have a specific question about social or influencer marketing for your company or business? Email doyoufollowpodcast@gmail.com or DM @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver with your question (we'll keep you anonymous if you want)!