Do You Follow?: A Podcast on Social Media Marketing
We're @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver—your personal social media gurus, here to solve your marketing riddles. With almost a decade of experience running social media and brand marketing for brands like Birchbox (and now starting our own booming business, Love Stories TV!), we know the hacks, strategies, and tools you need to win at social media, influencers, and digital marketing for your brand or business. Listen for free sosh med advice—with a sprinkling of our thoughts on Instagram algorithms, the Karadashians, and more. >>> Email (or DM @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver) and we'll answer your question on a future episode!

Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Rachel had a baby and he is the CUTEST! But will she share him on social media?! We discuss why or why not parents share their babies on social media. Plus we're talking about TikTok (formerly—aka the social media video app that every 13-year-old you know is obsessed with. >> Do you follow the accounts we talk about in this episode?: @primarydotcom@happiest_baby@babyshusher@artemer@lizzobeeating Plus, follow our favorite TikTok-ers:@itskayleighharrington@kaileyelisemann >> Have a social media marketing question? Email or DM @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver and we'll answer it on a future episode. >> Subscribe and listen to our @lovestoriestv podcast, Love Stories Radio, for real wedding advice!

Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
We're back from a long winter's nap with a deep dive into the YouTube scandal that went mainstream earlier this spring — oh yeah, we're talking about the BFF breakup over gummy vitamins between Tati Westbrook aka @glamlifeguru and @jamescharles! We also get into the recent news that public Instagram likes will be — gasp! — disappearing, and what it means for your business. Plus, we sit down with Taylor Juarez of Ladybird Studios and tackled sales strategies and tactics *every* small business owner needs to hear. >> Do you follow the accounts we talk about in this episode?: @ladybirdstudios@glamlifeguru@jamescharles@birthsmarter@lindsilanestyle@bennydrama7@thingsiboughtandliked >> Have a social media marketing question? Email or DM @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver and we'll answer it on a future episode. >> Subscribe and listen to our @lovestoriestv podcast, Love Stories Radio, for real wedding advice!

Saturday Jan 26, 2019
Saturday Jan 26, 2019
We're answering a question from a listener who's recently been tasked with developing the brand voice for a large travel reviews site. How do you take it from a mostly user-generated content platform to one that has a more defined point of view? >> Do you follow the accounts we talk about in this episode?: @tropicals@melissahoylehair@martocabeachgarden@orenjous@airbnb >> Have a social media marketing question? Email or DM @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver and we'll answer it on a future episode. >> This episode is brought to you by Hungryroot: fresh, clean-ingredient foods that make it easy to eat healthy. Get $25 off your first two deliveries when you visit >> Subscribe and listen to our @lovestoriestv podcast, Love Stories Radio, for real wedding advice!

Friday Jan 18, 2019
Friday Jan 18, 2019
We are SO excited to FINALLY be sitting down with our very dear friend, Birchbox co-founder, and VP of Brand and Customer Experience at Hungryroot: *the* @molliechen! This week's question comes from a listener who manages the Instagram account for a coffee and ice cream shop in Washington, DC. Their followers are consistently growing, but post engagement is declining. How can they increase post engagement AND continue to gain followers? And of course we play our usual games: Saved By The 'Gram, Instagram Roulette, and Do You Follow? >> Do you follow everyone we mention in this episode?: @molliechen@hungryroot@poshpartygal@hitchedwithahashtag@karinalemkeweddings@drinkramona@butlikemaybe@bonappetit@lallimusic >> This episode is brought to you by Hungryroot, fresh, clean-ingredient foods that make it easy to eat healthy. Get $25 off two deliveries when you visit >> Have a social media marketing question? Want us to audit your brand's account (anonymously or not!)? Email us at and DM us @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver. >> Subscribe to our other podcast, Love Stories Radio, where we answer real wedding questions!

Friday Sep 21, 2018
Friday Sep 21, 2018
On this episode, we’re answering a question from someone asking about which type of question format gets more engagement on Instagram Stories: Person talking to camera or text on a blank background? Plus, we’re talking about how GOOD the PR is for Crazy Rich Asians, and we play our usual games. >> Do you follow everyone we mention in this episode?: @crazyrichasians @the12ishstyle @michelle_editor @sarablakely @spanx @cmcoving @shecanshedid @girlswithgluten @itsjennarennert @travelandleisure >> Join our Slack group to connect with other marketers & get the show notes from ALL our episodes! DM @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver to join.

Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
YOU GUYS. The CEO and co-founder of our all-time favorite social media analytics tool is our special guest on the pod this week: Thomas Rankin (@thxxmxxs) of Dash Hudson (@dashhudson)! If you're a longtime listener, you know we talk about our deep love of this tool on just about every episode and how it's helped us as marketers to get actionable insights on Instagram so that we can create better content that performs for the brands we work with! And as if we couldn't love them more, they're giving DYF listeners a FREE custom insights report for your brand! Just go to to get yours.

Friday Aug 24, 2018
Friday Aug 24, 2018
On this episode, we’re answering a question from someone asking about which type of question format gets more engagement on Instagram Stories: Person talking to camera or text on a blank background? Plus, we’re talking about how GOOD the PR is for Crazy Rich Asians, and we play our usual games. >> Do you follow everyone we mention in this episode?: @crazyrichasians @the12ishstyle @michelle_editor @sarablakely @spanx @cmcoving @shecanshedid @girlswithgluten @itsjennarennert @travelandleisure @loho_bride @maxbartick >> Join our Slack group to connect with other marketers & get the show notes from ALL our episodes! DM @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver to join.

Friday Aug 17, 2018
Friday Aug 17, 2018
We're recording this episode from iconic The Plaza Hotel in New York City! And on this episode, we're breaking down the metrics you should be tracking for top of funnel influencer marketing. >> Do you follow the people we mention in this episode?: @thehandyj @hinge @theleague @ringconcierge @theclearcut @ps.snacks @erinliveswhole @gypsytan #ltkhome @theinside @repeatroses #mukbang @euvonia >> Join our Slack group to connect with other marketers & get the show notes from ALL our episodes! DM @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver to join. >> Got a question for the pod, or want us to Social Media Doctor your brand's account? Email or DM @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver.

Friday Aug 10, 2018
Friday Aug 10, 2018
We have a second-time special guest on the pod this week: social media consultant @arbro! We’re talking about the controversy over @kyliejenner’s self-made billionaire status, plus we answer a question from Philly-based yoga teacher @_krystajones who wants to know how to get people to know about and participate in her #MakeMondaysGreatAgain Instagram series. >> Do you follow everyone we mentioned in this episode?: @arbro @kyliejenner @_krystajones @theskinnyconfidential @fertilegirl @jamiekernlima @amand12j @floyddetroit @thefeistyyogi @itscalledbalance >> Join our Slack group to connect with other marketers & get the show notes from ALL our episodes! DM @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver to join.

Friday Aug 03, 2018
Friday Aug 03, 2018
We answer a question from a listener at a major beauty brand asking about the scrappiest but most effective tactics for growing email list size and Instagram followers. >> Do you follow everyone we mentioned in this episode?: @johannaoritzofficial @voguehousenewyork @sarahpotempa @thebeachwaver @thegoatagency >> Join our Slack channel to connect with other marketers & get the show notes from ALL our episodes! DM @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver to get the link to join.