Do You Follow?: A Podcast on Social Media Marketing
We're @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver—your personal social media gurus, here to solve your marketing riddles. With almost a decade of experience running social media and brand marketing for brands like Birchbox (and now starting our own booming business, Love Stories TV!), we know the hacks, strategies, and tools you need to win at social media, influencers, and digital marketing for your brand or business. Listen for free sosh med advice—with a sprinkling of our thoughts on Instagram algorithms, the Karadashians, and more. >>> Email (or DM @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver) and we'll answer your question on a future episode!

Friday Apr 20, 2018
Friday Apr 20, 2018
This week on the A-side we dig into local marketing tactics and tackle a question from a listener who's asking how to grow social reach for a service-based brand that's currently only in New York City. Plus, in light of #POPSUGARgate (if you have no idea what we're talking about, read this), we do a mini deep dive into rewardStyle, one of the top affiliate marketing platforms for influencers. >> Do you follow everyone we mentioned in this episode?: @venzedit @popsugar >> Got a question for us? Email or DM @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver and we'll answer your question on a future episode. >> Subscribe & listen to our *other* podcast on weddings, Since You Asked...!

Friday Apr 13, 2018
Friday Apr 13, 2018
This week we talk about how Instagram's change in API is affecting a slew of third party Instagram apps, plus we discuss the peak meme status of the Walmart Yodel Kid. And as usual, we play our Saved By the 'Gram and Do You Follow games. >> Do you follow all the amazing accounts we mention in this week's episode?: @graceatwood @lilhankwilliams @liketoknowit @flowerboyproject @jessicankane @catanacomics @ifanchen @sugarfishbynozawa @butlikemaybe @hinge @harryb @greenweddingshoes @clairezinnecker @hayleypaige @venusetfleur @alyssabrieloff

Friday Apr 13, 2018
Friday Apr 13, 2018
This week we answer a question from a listener who works in HR for a fitness company and wants to know how to recruit new talent via social media. Plus, we share our favorite resources (besides ours, of course) for news about social media, digital marketing, and brand. >> Do you follow the people and brands we mention in this week's episode?: @revolve @lovestoriestv @birchbox @glossier @bragro @dollarshaveclub @venmo @airbnb @garyvee @laurengoldstein @awilkiswilson @katiawb @recode @karaswisher @stitchfix @tubefilter @rebecca jarvis @julssolomon @obviously @dashhudson @whoweekly @marianna_hewitt @theskinnyconfidential

Friday Mar 23, 2018
Friday Mar 23, 2018
With everyone in media freaking out about Facebook's ever-changing algorithm, this week on the B-side we're discussing YouTube and how more publishers, influencers, and eventually brands are starting to pay more attention to the original video platform. We play our usual games plus a special version of "Do You Follow?" called "Do YouTube?" where we share our favorite YouTube channels and why you should subscribe. >> Here's a list of everyone's Instagram (and YouTube channels!) we mention in the episode: @emofly /@houseofhighlights /@leandramcohen /@manrepeller /@garypeppergirl /@bleacherreport /@thomaspardee /@risingtidesociety /@melanieophoto /@nastygal /@girlboss /@sophiaamoruso /@forever21 /@love_amika / Hot Ones on YouTube /American Ninja Warrior on YouTube /Love Stories TV on YouTube /Alexandrea Garza on YouTube /Jenn Im on YouTube /Song of Style on YouTube /Tone It Up on YouTube /Tara Stiles on YouTube /Yoga with Adriene on YouTube /Tess Christine on YouTube /The Ellen Show on YouTube /The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon on YouTube

Friday Mar 23, 2018
Friday Mar 23, 2018
This week we answer a question from a listener who wants to know: When your brand is a prominent personality, is it ever OK to integrate other personalities into your content strategy? Plus, we offer sound advice on how to tell whether you're "slutty" on Instagram (it's not what you think!). >> Do you follow the people and brands we mention in this week's episode?: @birchbox@katiawb@molliechen@hayleybay@loreleio@deepica@luciebfink@reesewitherspoon@draperjames@darcymiller@michellephan@ipsy@glossier@garyvee@somethingnavy@lays@evachen212 >> Do you have a social media marketing question? DM @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver, or email and we'll answer your social media marketing question on a future episode! >> Don't forget to RATE and REVIEW us on iTunes so more people can find our podcast! >> Subscribe to our NEW @lovestoriestv podcast, Since You Asked... A Podcast on Your Wedding.

Friday Mar 09, 2018
Friday Mar 09, 2018
This week, @racheljosilver declares that using the Internet to find product recommendations is soooo two-thousand-and-late after crowdsourcing her new dream pillow via Instagram. Plus, @jdalfeen shares one of the smarter and more insightful campaigns she saw on social media on International Women's Day. And we indulge in a double round of Saved by the 'Gram and Instagram Roulette, and our usual Do You Follow? game. >> Here's a list of the people and brands we mention in this episode: @michelle_editor@cmcoving@alyssainthecity@dhiranmistry_@dahdah.still@leighcrandall@merrillmoskal@nameoflove@overthemoon@casper@_____paradise________________ >> Got a question for the pod? DM @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver, or email and we'll answer your social media marketing question on a future episode! >> Subscribe to our NEW @lovestoriestv podcast, Since You Asked... A Podcast on Your Wedding Questions!

Friday Mar 09, 2018
Friday Mar 09, 2018
What are the best (and worst) referral programs—and why? We share the brands whose refer-a-friend marketing campaigns are winning our hearts (and dollars)... and the ones that are just straight up confusing. Plus: We answer a question from a listener on best practices for top-of-funnel social video ads. Is Facebook or YouTube better for brand awareness, and how long should your video ad be? Do captions even matter? >> Follow the people & brands we mention on the episode: @thirdlove@outdoorvoices@birchbox@mgemi@blueapron@glossier@uber@kayak@dailyharvest@renttherunway@delta@chase@americanexpress >> Do you have a social media marketing question? DM @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver, or email and we'll answer your social media marketing question on a future episode! >> Subscribe to our NEW @lovestoriestv podcast, Since You Asked... A Podcast on Your Wedding.

Friday Mar 02, 2018
Friday Mar 02, 2018
On the B-side of this week's episode, we did a simultaneous live recording on @jdalfeen's Instagram! We talk about the recent drama surrounding beauty brand @deciem's founder (read this @quartzy article HERE if you have no idea what we're talking about), and discuss whether it's ever detrimental as a brand to be *too* transparent. Plus, @amyschumer shared her wedding video on Instagram and we're all crying at our desks over her sweet vows. We also play our usual games...but LIVE! Instagram Roulette, Saved by the 'Gram, and Do You Follow?! >> Here's a list of the people and brands we mention in this episode: >> Got a question for the pod? DM @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver, or email and we'll answer your social media marketing question on a future episode! >> Subscribe to our NEW @lovestoriestv podcast, Since You Asked... A Podcast on Your Wedding Questions!

Friday Mar 02, 2018
Friday Mar 02, 2018
This week we tried something new and did a LIVE recording of the A-side of the podcast on @racheljosilver's Instagram! We answer a question from a brand targeting boaters/waterfront living on the best resources for finding microinfluencers. Plus we give advice on what a new brand's first Instagram post should be at launch. >> Follow the people & brands we mention on the episode: @kjp@davey@belleoftheball45@namvo@maidenhome@apple@collectiveretreats@molliechen >> Do you have a social media marketing question? DM @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver, or email and we'll answer your social media marketing question on a future episode! >> Subscribe to our NEW @lovestoriestv podcast, Since You Asked... A Podcast on Your Wedding.

Friday Feb 23, 2018
Friday Feb 23, 2018
Episode 16 continues on the B-side with the two Jujus: @jdalfeen and @julia_casella (since @racheljosilver is in sunny FL this week!). @julia_casella (aka the first-ever @birchbox social intern) manages influencer marketing at @beautyblender—that magical pink sponge in every makeup bag. We dish on Instagram's latest news that you'll soon be able to screenshot Stories (which will seriously cramp on sosh med stalking, but fear not—@julia_casella has a hack). Plus, we talk about fancy toothpastes, our favorite beauty influencers, and so much more. >> This week's episode is brought to you by, the platform that builds and manages influencer networks for brands. They're offering DYF listeners a *free* 30-minute influencer marketing strategy session when you get in touch with them HERE and mention our podcast. >> Do you follow all of the amazing people and brands we mention in this week's episode?: @beautyblender@jadeywadey180@marianna_hewitt@birchbox@dashhudson@obviously@marianna_hewitt@makeupbymario@laurencaruso_@petitestudionyc@laneycrowell@rachelista@jilliandempsey@violetgrey@agentnateur@themoment@marvis_usa@jvn@queereye@reformation >> Got a question for the pod? DM @jdalfeen and @racheljosilver, or email and we'll answer your social media marketing question on a future episode! >> Subscribe to our NEW @lovestoriestv podcast, Since You Asked... A Podcast on Your Wedding Questions!